
The AmTryke Program
AMBUCS mission is to promote independence and mobility for people with disabilities. The AmTryke is one mission based program of the AMBUCS organization. AmTryke recipients include very young disabled children, adults with severe injuries from a car accident, wounded veterans and people from a wide range of backgrounds. The original AmTryke was developed in 1994 in Texas and many models and additions have been added since then. The most unique feature of several of the bikes is their ability to be propelled with the upper body, using a hand crank, and with the lower body, using the pedals.
Lubbock Caprock AMBUCS averages over 50 AmTrykes given away every year.
If you have or know a child or adult that would benefit from an AmTryke, look at the bottom of this page for more information.

Youth AmTrykes
The majority of our AmTrykes are given to disabled children. Whether a child has cerebral palsy, Down syndrome or another disabling condition, an AmTryke may be provided to help that child. Besides promoting exercise, coordination, and strengthening, the AmTryke is a FUN way for children to gain mobility skills. We have repeatedly heard about how a Tryke allows a child to play with their siblings and become "more normal".

Veteran and Adult AmTrykes
AMBUCS continues to design and build AmTrykes that are specialized for adults. In response to the growing need to help disabled veterans from current conflicts and previous conflicts, AMBUCS launched the Veteran Initiative. A wide array of models allow the tryke to be customized to the patient.
Adult AmTrykes have also assisted auto accident victims, stoke patients, and other adults struggling with mobility.
How to Apply for an AmTryke
Before an order can be placed, we must receive the following fully completed forms:
1. Request Form – completed by the applicant or guardian.
2. Waiver Form – completed by the applicant or guardian.
3. Assessment Form – completed by a therapist.
4. Model Selection Form – completed by a therapist.
All forms are contained in the packet and are linked above. Once complete, please e-mail completed forms to caprocktrykes@gmail.com or mail copy to P.O. Box 93871, Lubbock, TX 79423. You will receive either a confirmation e-mail from caprocktrykes@gmail.com or a phone call from a member to inform you that your application has been received.
Please be patient as the process takes some time. Club members have full-time jobs and volunteer their nights and weekends to help others. There is always room for new members to help. There is also additional AmTryke information at www.AMBUCS.org under the "Riders" page, including the complete AmTryke catalog.